Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ma Chambre....

Even though it was over 90 today here, I decided to stay in-doors and take advantage of some free time that seemed to come out of nowhere.  Now trust me because when you do flea markets and such, free time is such a rare luxury that it's ridiculous.  Of course, that's only if you're doing Flea Markets full time like I do.  Anyways, I've always loved the look of chalkboard walls such as this one I found on here:

I love their use of dark rich colors and the soft flickering lights from the tea lights.  I am not completely there with my room as you can see the pink wall and door next to my small partition wall (the other side is my office) but I thought doing my chalkboard wall was going to get things started with a huge punch of change in the original set up.  You can also see one of my Art Deco dressers as well.

Tomorrow's Just an Excuse Away.....
good grief....where to start.....Monty, Dior, Rodin, Le Labo......

My older brother and I....1987?....on my dad's motorcycle

love Burled Walnut....
So that's what I did with my time today! lol  I must admit that I had my sister come in and go through all of my collected items (still in moving boxes no less!) and she arranged everything on top of my dresser.  She's a Visual Communications major and she is immensely immensely talented. 

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